Saturday, December 13, 2008


一個星期五下午五點半,班上早已放學,只留下少許值日的同學。我也按照慣例留在班上寫作業,看到吳昊正和另一位同學偶德馥正在班級後邊的黑板上作畫,我饒有興致的走過去旁觀,原來他們正在繪製ㄧ期黑板報。我心想:總不能光看不做事吧?就上前問吳昊:「需要幫忙嗎?」吳昊轉過頭來,面露微笑的對我說:「好哇!」因為時近小朋友們最喜歡的聖誕節,這期板報的內容就是 “Happy Christmas”,吳昊說我們最需要的是一首英語的聖誕歌。我想起我最愛聽的一首聖誕歌:“When Christmas comes to town”
I'm wishing on a star, and trying to believe.
That even though it's far, he'll find me Christmas Eve.
I guess that Santa's busy, cause he's never come around.
I think of him when Christmas comes to town.
The best time of the year, when everyone comes home.
With all this Christmas cheer, it's hard to be alone.
Putting up the Christmas tree, with friends who come around.
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town.
Presents for the children, wrapped in red and green.
All the things I've heard about, but never really seen.
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve, hoping Santa's on his way.
When Santa's sleigh bells ring, I listen all around.
The herald angels sing, I never hear a sound.
And all the dreams of children, once lost will all be found.
That's all I want when Christmas come to town.
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town.